About Us
Linda Creagh is the owner of Kindred Tails and Linked In Design. She resides in Northern Virginia with her husband Ken, and her three Goldendoodles, Chester, Gracie and Max. Her passion is building websites that allow small businesses to achieve their business goals.
Linda can often be found giving advice and pitching in with her clients' businesses. She takes each one seriously, and provides insights and ideas as a true business partner. Having years of business experience, her clients are always appreciative and interested in her advice and counsel.

Building websites for dog breeders is a specialty business of Linked In Design. It started with the building of a site for the breeder of Chester and Gracie, McKenzies Doodles. The site ranked highly in Google, and brought in a lot of new business for the owners. As the site gained in rank around the country, other Goldendoodle breeders began inquiring to have similar sites built. Eventually, this led to the creation of Kindred Tails.
Selling puppies is both an art and a science to Linda. Each website strikes a delicate balance between the art of presenting and displaying puppies uniquely suited to each breeder, and the science of ranking in Google and sourcing a growing list of prospective customers both for the near term and the future. She never tires of getting new puppy photos or offering her clients advice on everything from microchip brands to USDA shippers.